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Primary School


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Remote Learning Plan

This plan is designed to prepare staff for supporting families with remote learning in the event of disruption to in-school learning.

What the school will provide:

All year groups provision to be provided through Microsoft Teams.

  • Live morning check in from teaching staff
  • Live assembly from senior staff member
  • Assignments set for the day’s lessons.
  • Live drop in help desk for support with work.
  • Lessons will have a recorded instruction from one of the year group’s teachers.
  • Feedback will be provided to assignments submitted onto Teams assignments.

Teaching staff and support staff should be prepared to take laptops and/or webcams back with them to support home learning in the event of a school closure.


Pupils with EHCPs or significant learning additional needs will have bespoke material provided for them by their teacher and supported by 1:1 staff. This may be a prepepared pack of materials to work on with a live check in from their teacher.

All teaching and support staff should attend the morning check in. Live help desks should be manned by a minimum of two members of teaching staff but

In the event of extended disruption to school lasing more than 3 days. Phone calls home should be made to children not attending the live check ins.

School devices

If there is sufficient notice before a school closure, electronic devices will be supplied to families who need one but parents/carers must sign a loan agreement form before taking away a computer.

We will not be able to distribute devices to parents if extreme weather or insufficient staffing makes transport too difficult.
