Lunch Menus
Spring summer 2024 Menu
September 2024 Autumn Menu
At Ashcombe our kitchen is run by Aspens, Aspens specialise in providing catering to schools and colleges across the country. All our meals are nutritionally balanced and comply with the national standards for school meals. Aspens are proud to support British Farmers and producers and they take the sourcing of ingredients very seriously. Aspens have awards from the British Hen Welfare Trust and Compassion in World Farming for our use of Free Range Eggs. Aspens make sure they have the freshest and highest quality produce on the menu.
A healthy and balanced lunch, (whether school hot meals or packed lunch), helps your child maintain focus concentration and energy throughout the school day.
The cost of each school meal is £2.45, orders must be made in advance via the Aspens Select Website.
The link to the Aspens website to register your child is:
Enter our school code: 979644
Then enter your unique child's code which is sent to you via School Ping.
All orders whether your child receives Free School Meals or has paid for meals must be booked in advance via the above website, school will not be able to order meals for children. Please ensure your child is registered on the Aspens website.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive their school meals free of charge. Please click here for more information on free school dinners, including how to apply for a free school dinner if your child is in a different year group.
Children may bring a packed lunch if parents prefer. Please make sure these are provided in appropriate containers and clearly marked with your child’s name. We actively encourage a healthy packed lunch (either everyday or on school trips). A typical balanced lunch box should contain: