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PE and Sport Premium

Our PE curriculum at Ashcombe enables children to participate and develop their own physical skills and strategies according to their own physical strengths and abilities. We are always keen to offer opportunities to compete against children in other schools and in a range of sporting opportunities. We follow an online PE scheme of work from Key Pe Sport This enables us to ensure progression from our reception pupils to year 6. Our lessons encourage at least one hour of outdoor PE per week and one hour of indoor PE per week. 


What is Sport Premium?
The Government provided funding of £450 million per annum for academic years 2013/14, 2014/15 and 2015/16 to provide "new, substantial primary school sport funding’. From September 2016/17 – 2019/20 the funding has been doubled. This funding has been jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport; the money has been allocated directly to primary school headteachers to spend on improving the quality of sport and PE for all their children. The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools. The Government has continued this pledge and funding of an extra £150 million a year will be shared between Primary Schools in England until 2020.
Eligible Schools
Funding for schools is calculated by the number of primary-aged pupils (between the ages of 5 and 11) as at the annual schools census each January. All schools with 17 or more primary-aged pupils


GOLD School Games Award 2023/24

Spending Review 2023-2024

PE Spending Review 2022-23

PE Spending Review 2020/21

2020 Sports Premium carried forward to 2021

worle village sports morning


A group of 12 children from year 2 travelled to Worle Village school for a morning of new sports to explore with our MAT schools ran by NSSPEA. They learnt how to play Molky, Cornhole and competed in speed stacking. 

Multi sports Event

A small group of year 2 children represented us in a multi-sports afternoon held Becket Primary School last week. Children from across Kaleidoscope MAT took part and they rotated around archery, bowling, target throwing, boules and a game called attack the tower. We are very proud of how well they represented Ashcombe and they have learnt some new games to take back to school and teach their classes during future PE lessons. 💪🥰🤩

Swimming Gala

Huge congratulations to our year 6 pupils who took part in a swimming gala last week. We are really proud to say that we came 4th in our heat out of the 16 schools who took part. The group of 12 took part in either a 25m front crawl race, 25m backstroke or 25m breaststroke, we then had a team of 4 who took part in  a  4 x 25m freestyle relay and finally a 4 x 25m noodle race! The children were so polite and excellent  representatives of the school! 💪🥰🤩 

TRI Golf

This afternoon children in year 3 got to have a PE lesson where they learnt how to play Tri Golf. 

Thank you to North Somerset PE association for coming in to spend the afternoon with us.

Sports Athletics

'We're really proud of how hard and determined a team of 20 children from year 5 were when they participated in 'Sports hall athletics' with other schools from across North Somerset. Activities included relay races and field events like triple jump, vertical jump and a speed bounce.' 



"On Wednesday of this week a team of 8 children chosen from year 5 represented us in a MAT organised event at St Martin's. We were very proud of how well the team represented our school, showing their team spirit and determination throughout all matches. Dodgeball is now an event which year 5 would like to learn as part of their PE curriculum and the team have said that they are keen to teach year 5 the rules and skills needed to play dodgeball."


Track and Field Event at Hutton Moor

We're very proud of this crew of sportsmen and women who competed against local schools in a tournament today at Hutton Moor.


The children competed in a range of track and field events including triple jump, javelin and a range of relay races.


The children enjoyed the morning and were first class ambassadors for our school. Excellent behaviour and commitment was displayed by them all and they were extremely tired by the end of it!

North Somerset PE Association Swimming Gala


Congratulations to our year 5 and 6 swimming crew who competed in the North Somerset PE association Swimming Gala last week! Children took part in a range of swimming events as well as team and individual races. 


50m freestyle 10th- Croucher

50m freestyle 7th- Jones 

4x4 25m noodle race 5th- Burnett, Dando, Hudson, Jones

25m front crawl 13th- Lintell Smith 

25m front crawl 2nd- Mahoney 

25m front crawl 10th- Milsom

25m front crawl 21st-Hudson 

25m breaststroke 11th- Burnett

25m breaststroke 8th- Neads

25m breaststroke 7th- Brown 

25m breaststroke 9th- Burnett

25m backstroke 6th- Croucher

25m backstroke 2nd- Jones

25m butterfly 15th- Dando

25m butterfly 10th- Neads

50m mixed freestyle 8th- Croucher, Brown, Jones, Neads


Overall we came in 7th place out of 21 schools, an amazing effort and fantastic achievements from all. 

Well done team Ashcombe 🏊‍♀️🏊🏻🏆

North Somerset Inter School Athletics Event

On Wednesday 4th December, 18 children from Year 5 visited Hutton Moor to compete in a North Somerset inter-school athletics event. They competed in multiple events including triple jump, javelin, running relays and an obstacle course. Year 5 had great fun and Miss Gillard and Mrs Burditt were very impressed with the children’s determination, perseverance and team-work skills; well done to all of the children involved. 


Cross Country


After eagerly awaiting their rescheduled cross country event due to bad weather last month our cross country team have had an amazing morning at a North Somerset’s PE Association competition. The team waited patiently for their races and were a credit to our school. Our girls Harriet and Layla ran first and gave it their all with Layla coming in 2nd place!! Well done Layla! She will now be able to take part in a level 3 competition at Ashton Park school on the 23rd November. Next up was our boys team and what team spirit and sportsmanship they have shown. As the race started Ryan slipped over and Jacob and Jayden went back to help their team mate up, as they continued Jayden then needed to use his inhaler. Ryan and Jacob both stayed to look after Jayden while he had his inhaler, all three boys then completed the race together. Fantastic effort from all and such true sportsmanship, determination and perseverance. Well done team Ashcombe- Layla, Harriet, Ryan, Jayden and Jacob all from y6 




Amazing team spirit was shown in our hard-fought Kaleidoscope Trust inter-school Year 6 girls' netball tournament held here at the end of the Autumn Half Term! To finish off a very busy term a team took part in a high 5 netball tournament held here at school. Our girls showed true team spirit, supporting each other throughout their matches as did all of our visiting schools. We were beaten on the day by Worle Village who came first and St Martins second but we were thrilled to come in third place. Well done Summer, Nive, Abby, Layla, Mollie and  Lucy  🏀🥉

