Religious Education
Religious Education
“All children need to acquire core knowledge and understanding of the beliefs and practices of the religions and worldviews which not only shape their history and culture but which guide their own development. The modern world needs young people who are sufficiently confident in their own beliefs and values that they can respect the religious and cultural differences of others, and contribute to a cohesive and compassionate society”. – from A Curruculum Framework for Religious Education in England. The Religious Education Council of England and Wales. 2013
Curriculum Entitlement:
Religious Education is a compulsory part of the school curriculum delivered through class lessons. Most of the world’s religions are covered through the life of our Ashcombe school learners using a progression model.
Parents have the right to withdraw their children from RE lessons after discussion with the Head teacher.
Our general aims:
- To help children to develop the necessary skills to reflect on and learn from their own experiences so as to develop their own identity, beliefs and values.
- To acquire and develop knowledge and understanding of Christianity and other major religions and so contribute to their spiritual and moral development.
- Develop a positive attitude towards others, respecting their right to hold different beliefs.
- Develop an ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues.
- To encourage an exploration of some of life’s fundamental questions and how religious teachings can relate to them.
The syllabus we follow is Awareness, Mystery and Values. This ensures continuity and progression in children’s learning. R.E. will be taught using a variety of appropriate approaches dependent on the learners . We have recently introduced Humanism to the curriculum as we feel this is another important view point.
All children, whatever their academic ability, will have equal access to the R.E. curriculum.
Overview of Beliefs Theme |
Year group |
Religions |
Aspects covered |
Reception |
Reception to carry on looking at the festivals from the different religions. |
Year 1 |
Christianity / Judaism
Christianity Key belief – Salvation God Incarnation Agape – unconditional love. |
Judaism Key belief – God and the Covenant Torah
Year 2 |
Islam/Hinduism |
Islam Islam – submission to the will of Allah Iman – Messengers of Allah
Hinduism Key belief – Dharma Deity – Brahman, Deva, Devi, Avatar |
Year 3 |
Christianity/ Judaism |
Christianity Key belief – Salvation God Incarnation Agape – unconditional love. |
Judaism Key belief – God and the Covenant Torah |
Year4 |
Islam/Hinduism |
Islam Islam – submission to the will of Allah Iman – Messengers of Allah |
Hinduism Key belief – Dharma Deity – Brahman, Deva, Devi, Avatar Atman – The divine within |
Year 5 |
Christianity/Judaism |
Christianity Key belief – Salvation God Incarnation Agape – unconditional love. |
Judaism Key belief – God and the Covenant Torah |
Year 6 |
Islam/Hinduism |
Islam Islam – submission to the will of Allah Iman – Messengers of Allah |
Hinduism Key belief – Dharma Deity – Brahman, Deva, Devi, Avatar Atman – the Divine within |
All year groups |
Humanism |