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Primary School


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Contact Details


Ashcombe Primary school 

Earlham Grove
BS23 3JW

Telephone: (01934) 620141 (24 hours)

Headteacher: Mr Chris Penny

​If you prefer to speak to somebody face-to-face, talk to Kerry Cooper or Zoe Prior, our school receptionists or  Debbie Brand and Lisa Driscoll our school bursars.

They can arrange an appointment for you with another member of staff if necessary.

The office is open between 8.00am and 4.00pm Monday to Friday.

School Communication Plan   

Ways we will contact you: 

School Ping 






This is our main source of communication with parents by staff and the office. 

(Please contact the office if you need help with this) 


School ping link. 

Please keep your details with us up to date. 



We use email to respond to an email enquiry from you in school hours. 


The office will use it to send out key information if you do not have access to School Ping or if there is an issue with School Ping. 

The office will phone to check absences if a message has not been left by 9.30am, to arrange lunches or if your child is ill. 


Your class teacher will phone you if a message needs to be given that day or to provide feedback on behaviour. 

Used to promote and celebrate children’s achievements and events at school. 



Used to promote and celebrate children’s achievements and events at school also the school calendar. This is sent by school ping. 


Used for urgent/emergency information 


Communication of Important and upcoming dates/events 


Copies of letters/newsletters 


Curriculum information is detailed here. 


Staffing information 


Policies and key documents are accessible from here 





Ways you can contact us: 

Aspens Select 



Parent Pay 

Reading Record 

Parents evening 

This is the system for booking school meals. Remember they need to be booked before 8:15 am each day.  

This email address is an effective way to contact us ensuring the emails states FAO. 

Please be aware we may not be able to respond to these that day. We will acknowledge receipt where possible within 1 day and fully respond within 5 days. 

01934 620141 

Contact the school to report absences before 9.30am and if you want to book an appointment with the class teacher. 


This is our system for payment for school trips etc. 

You can use your child’s home school reading record to pass on messages. Please make sure your child puts it in the box or hands it to the teacher 

There are 2 parent's evenings each year where you can discuss your child’s progress. 

If you have a concern, please follow this system. 

  1. Contact the class teacher first (most things can be easily sorted this way)  

  1. Contact the Deputy Headteacher (Kerry Evans) Assistant Headteacher (Steve Burditt) or Pastoral Lead (Kathie Light) 

  1. Contact the Headteacher – Chris Penny 


Please be aware that staff will respond to you as quickly as they are able to. (They have teaching, duty, training, meeting commitments throughout the    day and after the children leave). Catching a teacher on the playground is suitable for a quick message but not for a more detailed discussion – they are responsible for their class. Please make an appointment with the office in this case. 

     All forms of communication must be conducted respectfully and calmly.

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