Ashcombe school Behavior policy
Behaviour Policy
In Kaleidoscope schools we develop children’s character through our Behaviour Curriculum. In order to build character, we define the behaviours and habits that we expect students to demonstrate. We want to support our pupils to grow from school ready children into adults who are polite, respectful, safe, and considerate of others. We believe that as pupils practise these behaviours, over time they become automatic routines that positively shape how they feel about themselves and how other people perceive them. In this way our school has a positive culture which enhances teaching, learning personal/social development and the opportunities we can offer our children. For this Behaviour Curriculum to be effective, it must be applied consistently by all member of staff in all school contexts. Everyone is responsible for modelling and managing behaviour throughout the school at all times.
Teaching the curriculum
The curriculum is taught explicitly during the first two weeks in the autumn term alongside the traditional National Curriculum subjects. Children should learn the content of the curriculum so that they can recall the information and act upon it. At the start of each term, the Behaviour Curriculum is revisited with pupils in assemblies/collective worship and in class. It will continue to be reinforced throughout the year to ensure that should a visit from one of the senior leaders take place, they will see the similar behaviours being carried out across the Trust. As with other curriculum content, this should be taught using explicit teaching based on the ten principles of instruction from Rosenshine including regular quizzing to check and strengthen retention. This links to the Kaleidoscope Approach to Pedagogy. Teachers will also demonstrate these behaviours and ensure pupils have time to practise these (particularly in the first few days of each term). For example, a lining up order should be taught in the classroom but must be reinforced in different locations and times throughout the school day e.g. at lunchtime. It is expected that all pupils will know this content.
Work and a training plan will be put in place including developing a bank of stem sentences and video clips demonstrating the curriculum behaviours Kaleidoscope Schools require to support the teaching of the Behaviour Curriculum. Understanding what a good model looks like is the key to creating long term recall.
While this curriculum is for all pupils it will be applied differently in different year groups depending on pupils’ ages and may be applied differently depending on individual pupils’ SEND needs. Any adjustments will be reasonable and detailed within specific individual plans using the Team Teach PHP template. Sensitivity must be applied at all times when teaching the curriculum.
Curriculum content to be covered in depth in Autumn Term 1 and revisited throughout the year
Know that there are three behaviour expectations visible throughout the whole school. These are to
● be ready,
● be respectful,
● be safe,
Know the following examples of these three principles –
Be Respectful Be Ready Be Safe
Say please and thank you
Completing homework on time
Sitting sensibly in the classroom
Hold doors open for people
Remembering to bring equipment to
Walking through corridors
Talk kindly to other pupils
Playing games that do not become too
Say good morning/ afternoon to adults
Wearing correct school uniform
Respect others right to learn
Tidying up your own workspace and the
Using calm and respectful tones when we
Respect school property by looking after it
Use a calm and polite tone of voice
Accepting responsibility if you make a
Value differences
mistake and saying sorry
Follow staff instructions
Our routines:
Our staff use a silent signaller to gain the attention of the class. This is done by raising one hand. When pupils see this, they should respond by being silent and responding with STAR.
● S - Sitting or standing up straight
● T - Tracking the teacher
● A - Attention at all times
● R - Respect towards others
Listening Learners
Why? We all do listening learners to ensure everybody is able to learn without distractions. Know that pupils who do not follow school rules will have a consequence for this.
We use Listening Learners in class. This means that we use STAR -
S - Sitting or standing up straight
T - Tracking the teacher
A - Attention at all times
R - Respect towards others
Each classroom will have a display of the STAR for pupils to reference at all times.
Wonderful Walking
Why? We use Wonderful Walking to keep everyone safe in school and to make sure the learning of other children is not disrupted as people move around school.
We walk around school using Wonderful Walking
Wonderful Walking means -
•Facing forward
•Walking in a straight line
•Sensible hands
•Without talking
•Without leaning on walls whilst waiting
Careful contributing
Why? We use careful contributing to be given every chance to explore or discuss our learning and that we can be listened to ensuring my opinion is valued.
We expect all children to contribute in class. Careful contributing means:
● Listening to the class teacher or whoever is speaking
● Considering my responses before sharing
● Putting my hand up so I know my teacher knows I want to contribute during whole class discussions
● Sharing answers/contributions in a clear voice using full sentences
● Building on what others have said
Using good manners
Why? We want everyone to be kind and respectful to everyone at all times.
I should always say ‘please’ when I am asking for something.
I should always say ‘thank you’ when I receive something or someone does something nice for me.
I should say ‘Good morning/afternoon’ to adults if they have initiated the conversation.
It is important to show gratitude to others by thanking people for what they have done for me.
A calm and polite tone is respectful.
Arriving at school at the beginning of the day
Why? We want to ensure that we are prepared for the day and we are in a calm and ready position for our learning.
I arrive on time to school.
I walk calmly to our classrooms.
I greet staff with a smile and a ‘good morning’.
I put my belongings away in the right places.
Once I have entered the classroom, I do not leave again unless I have asked a member of staff.
I sit down in my seat as soon as I have entered the classroom and begin the morning task.
Transitioning within a lesson and at the end of a lesson
Why? We don’t want to waste our valuable time in our learning when changing between lessons or when we finish a lesson and move to another part of the building.
When the teacher signals (1) I should stop what I am doing.
When the teacher signals (2) I should tuck my chair in if seated and stand up if sat down or pack my book away from the lesson.
When the teacher signals (3) I should move to my table/line up or get my next book ready in front of me.
When I am lining up, I should be quiet
Playtime Behaviour
Why? We want everyone to feel happy and safe during playtime so that we can be friends and enjoy our own free time.
I must walk from my classroom to the playground using Wonderful Walking.
I must play safely without hurting anyone.
I do not ‘play fight’ because I may hurt someone by accident.
I must be kind, by including people in my games and sharing equipment.
Someone who is kind behaves in a gentle, caring, and helpful way towards other people.
When called, I must line up in my lining up order straight away.
I must walk back to my classroom using Wonderful Walk
Why? We want everyone to enjoy their lunch in a peaceful and calm setting and that everyone contributes to a clean dining hall.
I use Wonderful Walking when walking to the hall.
I line up in silence to be served.
I collect my food and sit down straight away.
I should use a normal talking volume when in the hall. I should not be raising my voice.
I should use a knife and fork correctly.
I use good manners by saying ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ when someone gives me my food or a drink.
I should not leave my seat once I have sat down.
Once I have finished, I raise my hand to let the staff know I have finished then I clear any rubbish from my table and empty any leftover food into the correct bin and walk outside.
I use wonderful walking when leaving the lunch hall
(This will vary from school to school due to logistics and space used)
Completing work in books
Why? We want everyone’s book to be well presented and clear for anyone who wishes to read our learning. We want to respect our work, be proud of it and show it in the best way possible.
I should always work on the next available page unless told otherwise.
I should date every piece of work.
If I am writing a title, I must underline it with a ruler.
I should always write neatly and clearly, with joined up handwriting relating to my year group.
I should always start writing from the margin.
In maths I should use one digit per box.
In maths I should always leave a one square space between calculations.
Whenever I am drawing lines, I should use my ruler.
I correct mistakes by drawing a straight line through your work or using a pencil, pen or purple pen.
I stick anything in straight and centred on the page.
End of the day routine
Why? We want to ensure that we are ready to go home with all our belongings and that everyone exits the class safely.
When my teacher signals (1) I should collect my things for home and return to the classroom immediately and either sit on the carpet or at my table.
When the teacher signals (2) I should stand up and tuck my chair in or stand up if on the carpet.
Know when the teacher signals (3) I should move to my line space quietly.
I should wait quietly whilst my class is dismissed.
General classroom expectations
Why? We want to ensure that everyone in the class understands the high expectations in place so that we have a fantastic class that we are proud to be in and that we are responsible for.
I should stay in my seat during a lesson unless I have asked to do so or it is for an appropriate task .
I should be using the toilet at break and lunchtime so as not to interrupt learning time.
I should not have any objects on the table that distract me from my learning.
It is my responsibility to keep my table clear from clutter.
I have a responsibility to ensure that the classroom is kept tidy.
I should not talk when the teacher is delivering a lesson or another pupil has been asked to talk as this will stop myself and others from learning.
Kaleidoscope Behaviour Curriculum
Consequence | What staff need to do | ||
C1 Unexpected
| Calling/shouting out Out of seat/wondering around Not following instructions Refusal to work / Not ready to learn Using unkind/impolite words Disrespectful use of equipment
| A friendly verbal reminder of the routine or expectation
| Give child a clear concise message that if x happens again then y will happen Move pupil to a different seat where necessary for support
Use Script 1 |
C2 Persistent
| Continued incidents of unexpected behaviours Rudeness/arguing /answering back Deliberately preventing others form learning
| A verbal warning is given. | A more in depth discussion about the breakdown in routine or expectation. How their behaviour is effecting others around them. A clear message is given what happens next time and the sanction they will receive. Support the pupil to make the right choice.
Use script 2 |
C3 Serious
| Unsafe behaviour in or out of class Hurting another child Deliberate refusal to work (From C2) Aggressive or intimidating behaviour Using inappropriate or discriminatory language Leaving the classroom without permission Damage school property | Yellow card is given Time lost in play or lunchtime KS1 – 5mins KS2 – 10 Mins After lunch – sent to partner class, or SLT member for time out for no more than 15 mins.
A maximum of 3 yellow cards to be given out in 1 week before escalating to a red card on the 3rd Yellow card. Schools designate where the pupil will go. | Staff administer a first yellow card verbally in class to the pupil then the other two discretely and logged on Scholarpack. Arrange for the pupil to be supervised during their sanction time i.e. playground bench, hut, room Each school has its own arrangements
Carry out a restorative conversation using a clam tone and positive phrasing. Use Script 3 Yellow cards logged on Scholarpack |
C4 Very Serious
| Swearing Fighting or hurting another child with intent Serious disruption of the class including tipping tables, throwing items that stops teaching. Reckless/Dangerous play Stealing Racist or bullying behaviour based on protected characteristics.
| Red card issued and red letter of communication sent home to parents
Sent to SLT if necessary Internal temporary suspension carried out, If needed.
Repeated red cards (x3 in a week) – Move to C5 | Teacher to use the template letter head to send home communication to parents describing reasons and an invite to meet the teacher to discuss/ and or a phone call home. If the parents want to escalate, then an appointment with the Head or deputy head can be made as per communication policy. Can be used discretionally
If temporary suspension put in place – work must be given to do and sent to a work designated place. Up to 15 mins – not logged Over 15 mins – Logged with the Head Teacher Red card logged on Scholarpack |
C5 Extremely Serious | Violence or abuse to staff Continued disruption to the class or the running of the school Bringing prohibited items into school Sexual harassment including language or inappropriate touching.
| Child sent directly to Head or Deputy Head teacher. Suspension or permanent exclusion where necessary Parents called in immediately | Head Teacher to follow protocols for suspension or exclusion as per the DfE guidance.
- Each day starts afresh for all pupils. The yellow cards are accumulative through the week.
- Script for C1 2 and 3 are to be used when delivering the consequence. (To be created)
- If a red card is issued on a Friday afternoon, then the sanction of internal suspension out of class is carried over to the Monday of the next week and explained to both the pupil and parent.
- If a pupil receives 3 red cards in a week then the pupil moves into C5.
- If the level of the behaviour is severe then they go straight to C4 or C5 and bypass the others, this is at the discretion of the member of staff.
- In the issue of a red card – it is at the discretion of the teacher if a letter of communication is sent home. I.e. is the red card enough of a consequence to deter from further consequences required. If not sent the first time then could be used if a subsequent behaviour is witnessed.
- ALL staff are able to give out consequences at any time – The teacher will be responsible for the logistics of the consequence.
- If possible, all yellow and red cards are recorded on Safeguard under filters - This is to track trends and patterns in routines/expectation breakdowns and support required.
Be ready Be respectful Be safe
Level | What the behaviour looks like | Consequence | |
C 1 Unexpected |
| Calling/shouting out Out of seat/wandering around Not following instructions Refusal to work / Not ready to learn Using unkind/impolite words Disrespectful use of equipment | Friendly Reminder
If ……. happens again, then …… will happen
C 2 Persistent |
| Continued incidents of unexpected behaviours Rudeness/arguing /answering back Deliberately preventing others from learning | Verbal Warning
Discussion with teacher Reminder: Next time will be consequence 3
C 3 Serious |
| Unsafe behaviour in or out of class Hurting another child Deliberate refusal to work (From C2) Aggressive or intimidating behaviour Using inappropriate or discriminatory language Leaving the classroom without permission Damage school property | Yellow card
Lose play or lunchtime KS1 – 5mins KS2 – 10 Mins After lunch – sent to another class for 15 mins.
3 yellow cards in 1 week = red card