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New Extension Information and Updates

I am beyond excited to be able to share the amazing news that we’ve secured £6.2 million in funding from the Department for Education for a brand new, state-of-the-art building to replace the derelict old buildings at the front of school!


The new accommodation will house classrooms, office space, meeting rooms, a second hall with a performance area, a sensory room and specialist provision spaces.


We were only one of a tiny number of schools nationally to secure such significant funding, so it’s important to acknowledge and recognise the huge amount of work that our Trust Chief Executive Officer, Simon Marriott, our Kaleidoscope Trust Board and school Governing Body have put in to securing this deal.

I also want to publically acknowledge and thank our project managers, Hookways, who have supported the school, even after a number of bids were rejected. Their support and commitment has been invaluable.

I’m also grateful to our local M.P. John Penrose. John made representations to Government ministers on our behalf after visiting the school site and seeing the need for himself. This became a significant turning point in our bid’s progress.


Demolition work is due to start very soon and we have a target opening date for December 2023.

Alongside this investment comes the substantial support we continue to receive from The Hargreaves Foundation. The Foundation are working closely with the school, providing funding as we create a unique, bespoke Literacy Project (Educate, Inspire, Support, E.I.S.) aimed at ensuring our Reading and Writing outcomes are amongst the best nationally. Their generous support has given us access to beautiful classroom, curriculum and library books, mentors to support children, bespoke interventions to help ensure children achieve as highly as possible, high quality teacher training from internationally renowned experts and expertise being drawn into the school from links and visits to world-class schools.


This news couldn’t come at a better time for the community we serve, coming as it does after years of pandemic disruption, a cost of living crisis and the huge financial and social changes affecting everyone’s lives today. This investment in our children’s futures offers us hope, joy and reassurance that our children really will have the kind of education that they deserve.


Our school is a very special place to be.



New Extension Letter to Families

Site Plan

